
Our News



07 Jul 24

Electric terminal - Free charging* for direct reservations

* This freebie is offered for a limited time and for all reservations made directly on our website -


Sustainable development is crucial in our establishment to ensure the quality of life for future generations.

The installation of an electric charging station by the Auberge Marquis de Montcalm is a significant step in this direction. By offering its customers the possibility of recharging their electric vehicles, the inn encourages the adoption of more ecological modes of transport. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to the fight against climate change.

In addition, this initiative strengthens the image of the Inn as a responsible and environmentally conscious company. It also responds to growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly services.

By investing in sustainable infrastructure such as electric charging stations, Auberge Marquis de Montcalm is helping to build a greener and more sustainable future for all.  This is an important step towards a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible economy.


Electrical specifications of the Wallbox terminal


Rated output power - 11 kW
Rated current - 48A
Cable-connector - Wired

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Sans titre

06 Oct 23

Travelers Choice in 2023 according to TripAdvisor

Auberge Marquis de Montcalm wins the Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice Award 2023 in the Accommodation category in Sherbrooke
Travelers Choice in 2022 according to TripAdvisor

The excellent reviews from travelers who have stayed at this hostel have earned it a place of favorite among travelers from all over the world.

Sherbrooke, Quebec – September 20, 2023 – Auberge Marquis de Montcalm announced today that it has been recognized by Tripadvisor as the winner of the Travelers' Choice 2023 award for the quality of its lodging in Sherbrooke. This award recognizes properties that have received excellent traveler reviews from guests around the world in the past 12 months. As difficult as the past year has been, Auberge Marquis de Montcalm has stood out by consistently providing positive experiences for travelers.

""Congratulations to the 2023 Tripadvisor Travelers Choice winners,"" said Kanika Soni, Chief Commercial Officer of Tripadvisor . ""The Travelers' Choice Awards honor the best in tourism and hospitality, according to who matters most: your guests. Ranking among the winners of Travelers' Choice is always tough – but never more so than this year as we emerge from the pandemic. Whether it's using new technology, implementing security measures, or hiring exceptional staff, I'm impressed with the steps you've taken to meet new traveler demands. You coped brilliantly in the face of adversity."

To see traveler reviews and the most popular features/amenities at L'Auberge Marquis de Montcalm, visit

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